At 1 AM I pushed the 1.09 update to Google. Over the next few hours everyone should receive the ability to add text to their dungeon.
Update (as listed on store):
New Feature (As Requested by a User!):
You can now place text on the dungeon map. Placing text is pretty straight forward.
Select the Text icon ("T" button).
Tap where you want to place it.
Change the field as you want (in example: Secret Entrance)
Rotate if desired (Admittedly, if you want to rotate the text it will take some practice!).
Deleting the text works similarly to any other tile (Have "T" and "X" on simultaneously).
I was excited to have time to work on this and just as eager to get out the feature request. I don't foresee any bugs with this but that's the nature of bugs I suppose. I had the idea of setting font size and color (both limited because of touch interface) but I decided to push this out as is to make a splash. If there's still desire for larger/smaller or different colored text I'll definitely look into it.
Please, comments and criticism welcome. Feature requests always taken seriously and will strongly influence what I add next.
I'm leaning on looking at "Fog of War" type stuff and working my way towards an "online" solution with sharing tables live.
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